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The Block Quotation element
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
A Star Is Born
Creative - Production - Post Production - VFX
Warner Brothers asked us to deliver a mix of short, snackable spots to longer-form docu-style pieces that showcased the making of A Star is Born. The challenge here was to make sure every piece of content felt authentic and genuine––not forced or scripted.
Our creative team came up with nearly eight pages of roundtable questions to spark discussion and address the endless themes and messages in this film. These discussion questions were split into categories to be sure we hit as many topics as possible––everything from Bradley’s affinity to casting comedians in dramatic roles to the logistics of shooting festival scenes in the midst of a real music festival.
There were so many stories to be told, and with this one-day round-table style, six-camera shoot, we ended up editing over 60 targeted spots including the entire featurette for the film, I-max specials and even target exclusives.
In the end, we delivered a variety of pieces highlighting Bradley Cooper’s incredible transformation into Jackson Maine, creating a sound for Ally that differed from Lady Gaga’s own style, and chill-inducing interview segments about the recreation of A Star is Born.